Things that aren't so great about pregnancy:
1. I haven't been the most comfortable lately..and I'm not excited for the next 15 weeks or so to come. I wake up at least 2-3 times a night either because Ben has stolen my body pillow or it fell on the ground, or the fact that Ben can't sleep supposedly because I've been congested and he says I've been snoring every now and then so he will wiggle me to try to make me stop and of course I wake up when he does that. So...we will see how much better it gets as time goes on..
2. When I shower, I tend to somehow fall over a little when I close my eyes to wash the shampoo and conditioner out of my hair. Luckily I'll catch myself just in time. One time though, I almost took the shower curtain down! lol So if you ask me to walk a balance beam, make sure you put tons of pillows underneath or even a swimming pool! I know for a fact I'll come crashing down.
3. Bending over...ahhh the joy of not being able to bend over and tie your shoes, or put socks on, or pick up your keys that tend to keep slipping out of your hand constantly. Or how bout the time when you are doing a client's hair and have already dropped 4 combs within 3 minutes of cutting their hair??! geez!!! luckily I am still able to pick up my combs that I drop, and pick up my keys that should just stay in my purse from now on, and put my shoes and socks on. But trying to shave in the shower probably won't be something I'll be able to do for much longer. Let's just say it's weird to look down and not be able to see my feet anymore.
4. Pains and aches. The wonderful world of side pains, ligament pains, your uterus contracting, feet hurting, especially when you have to stand all day long doing hair. Not so fun. Is it ever going to stop? NOPE!
5. Urge to Pee. Now that she's getting bigger and bigger each day..My bladder is definitely not cut out to hold it in anymore. I feel like my bathroom is my new bedroom! Just this morning I had gone to the bathroom plenty of times to where I felt I would be safe to watch one of my shows all the way through finally. Well, little missy inside my belly thought it would be funny to jump on mommy's bladder and there were times when I tried to poke her so she would stop, and did that work? next thing you know, pause button was hit, and off to my new bedroom!
What's great about pregnancy:
1. Your hubby kicks it up a notch and soon you'll find the dishes being done, the counters being cleaned, dinner even being made. WOW! can it be like this all the time?
2. The joys of feeling your baby move. When I finally get the chance to sit or lay down during the day, I just love to put my hand on my stomach and feel her move all around. The weirdest part is feeling her spin inside you and then also feeling her spin with your hand on top of your belly. It's just so cool!!
3. Knowing that you have a wonderful daughter on the way, and you just can't wait to be best friends with her.
4. Enjoying all the gifts and new things for your baby. It's like Christmas, but for an on-going 9 months! It's awesome!
5. The best for last. Every 3-4 weeks for the past 2 months so far..Ben has given me a full body massage. Ahhh...Why does he do it even though he hates giving massages? I have no idea. I guess he must really love me that much. I can't thank him enough. I seriously feel so refreshed afterwards and I feel good once again. I've already made another appointment with him tonight. Can't wait!!!
Being pregnant is definitely hard on a woman's body, but I would change nothing of it for the blessing it brings. =)
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