Yesterday was my 39 week check up. I got my membranes stripped and ouch did that hurt! But he said we finally progressed a little.. I am officially dilated to a 1..and 60% effaced. So he's hoping that when he stripped my membranes that it will help progress alot faster. All day yesterday I was having much stronger contractions but not enough to where they hurt like crazy. Darn it! But, I am praying that my body is ready and that Brynnlee is ready cuz I am done being pregnant. lol My mind is definitely ready that's for sure! Haha and the sad part is, is that they won't induce me til 41 weeks which isn't until July 9th! grrr..I can't even think of being pregnant for another 2 weeks! It's making me go insane! So I am really hoping Brynn will come this weekend. =) So we will see... This morning when I woke up, I could definitely tell where her body is and when I look at my side profile in the mirror it feels like my stomach just wants to "point" outwards. She's dropped so low and there is so much pressure down there that even when I sit down she is pretty much sitting on my thighs and I can feel her move on my legs! lol it's so weird!
Oh! And, one other thing..we painted my kitchen!! you can see it in the pic and I absolutely LOVE it! It makes it feel more like a home. Warm and cozy..And eventually, after Brynn is born of course we will finish painting the house and I will definitely put pics on here. That will be one of my few projects as a stay at home mom. And a huge thank you to my neighbor Megan for helping me paint it! It was a quick job because we didn't even need to use painter's tape around the edges because somehow Meg does an AMAZING job with outlining the edges!! I tried doing it on one little spot and I ended up getting it all over the trim of the pantry door. haha so I definitely let her do the rest. But thank you so much!! It actually makes me want to be in there more and cook and clean and do dishes!! lol But I just love it so much! And now I can't wait to get the rest of the house painted, but I understand I'll definitely have to be patient with that. haha Hopefully we can get to it by the end of summer. =)That is if Ben will let me.. hehehe
Awesome baby news! I look at your house every time I go out our driveway and wonder what's new and if you're in labor!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteBre i'm so excited for you to pop that baby out! you are going to be such a good mommy! I have to addmit that i am jealous of you :) but i hope everything goes well!
ReplyDeleteXOXo Car
Wow, I wish your neighbor was my neighbor, I could use some help fixing some of my husband's paint jobs! Haha!!! Can't wait for that baby to get here and to see pictures of her! Good luck!!