Thursday, December 9, 2010

5 months

So I'm a little late because she was 5 months on Dec. 4th. But that's ok. =) It's gotten to be a little busier right now with Christmas being just around the corner and Brynn needing a little bit more attention now-a-days. haha She is definitely becoming her own individual. She understands so much more now and I love it.
We've started her on baby food. and so far she doesn't like green beans and carrots, but if I mix carrots with the oatmeal I have for her it's not so bad and she'll eat it.
She's also started to sit up.
She's still in the process of trying to learn how to get her arm out from under her when trying to roll over. On the bed she does it just fine, but on the floor she can't quite push her self over her arm. haha
She laughs a TON.
Still talks a TON.
She started turning her head to look at you when you say her name and then she smiles. It makes my heart melt everytime.
Still sleeps through the night.
When I lay her down for a nap, she goes right to sleep.
She grabs everything she can reach and tries to eat it.
We have now started pulling her fingers away when she goes to put them in her mouth and replacing it with her passy. I figured I need to break this habit early especially if she's so addicted to them right now.
Each and every day, she makes both Ben and I smile. We love her sooooo much and I know I say that everytime I post about her, but it's because it's true. =)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heart just melts when I see her. I need to come visit my niece, I need to get my Brynn fix :) I miss you too Brenna!!!
