Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brynn 7 months

Ok so I feel like its been a while since I've updated about Brynn...
She turned 7 months on Feb 4th.
She mastered the whole sitting up position.
LOVES to play with her toys.
Rolls from front to back, then back to front EVERYWHERE!
When reaching for a toy, you can tell SOOOO badly she wants to crawl, and she brings her knee up and pushes forward a little but isn't quite there yet...ALMOST!
If I put her in the crawling position she rocks back and forth and it's so cute!
She LOVES to laugh...and she still smiles at everyone who even looks at her haha
She definitely knows who her parents are =) but she's still ok with other people holding her too.
She likes to be part of whatever we are doing. haha its super cute cuz she totally is starting to know what things are..I don't know if that's good...or bad... =) hahaha
She's down to only 2 naps a day..and she still sleeps through the night! (except when she's teething, those nights SUCK!)
She has her two bottom teeth fully grown and now the 2 other bottom teeth are coming in on both sides. Still haven't seen any sign of the top yet. =)
We just love her soooo much! Why do babies have to grow so fast? It's not fair...Oh well..I guess that's why Heavenly Father made them so cute just so that we would have more...hahaha it all makes sense in the end. =)

1 comment:

  1. AH! This makes me miss you guys so much! She's so adorable!!! I need my Brynn fix...and my Brie fix :)

    Love you!!!
