27 weeks
29 weeks
And here is the front view. I figured no one really ever takes pics of the front view, and now I know why. lol
...It's because your hour glass body is definitely no longer in proportion.
Looking even more fat...ain't it just attractive? haha
Dear Brynnlee,
I know your mommy only has about 2 1/2 months to deliver you, but she's thinkin she'll want to deliver you in about 7-8 weeks when you are full term. Sound good? I'm glad we are already agreeing on things. Life is going to be so much easier when you listen to your mommy. =) She's having a hard time with the water build up. They say to drink more fluids to reduce the water retention. Well, I'm not sure it's working. Your mommy sure doesn't feel so skinny anymore. Plus, the earlier you come, the more soon you're daddy and I will get to hold you and we can't WAIT for that day! So let me know when you are coming and I will do everything I can to speed up the process. Thanks honey!
We LOVE You.
Love, Mom
Brie you are so cute! I love that baby shirt! I can't believe you only have 10 weeks left! I cannot wait to meet this little girl. And to see you at your shower this weekend!