My littlest sister Sarah:
She's 7yrs old and is turning 8 on July 29th. Sadly I haven't been able to watch her grow up since she was about 4 but she always seems to put a smile on my face and brighten my day when I talk to her on the phone. She always lets me know I'm her nicest sister ever, maybe that's because I'm not there to tease her either like the other siblings do...=) But she is almost out of the 2nd grade now and I can't believe how time flies. I wish I could watch her grow from where I left off, but then that would mean I probably wouldn't be the "nicest sister ever". So maybe it's a good thing I left home. I feel very special she thinks of me that way. =)
My litte brother Derek:
He will be turning 15 on May 5th. Crazy! Talk about how time flies! geez! Let's just say Derek watches out for his sisters. He is the best brother anyone could ask for. He is so loving and caring, well most of the time. =) He even tries to make me feel good about myself when I see him. For example, he felt my stomach back at the beginning of March, and said, "Wow Brie! Nice abs!". Hahaha.. Thanks Derek for making me feel so good. Especially while pregnant. =)It's so crazy to think he's into liking girls now too. I remember him back in elementary school when he said he was chased by girls who had cooties. hahah he definitely was a stud back then. Ok, Ok, you're a stud now too. =)
My little sister Alicia:
She is 18 and won't be 19 til next January. 18?? Holy cow! I remember when I was 18..maybe that's because I got married at that age? lol But she will be graduating at the end of May from High School. I just can't believe it! She is literally my best friend. We are 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days apart. I love having a sister that is so close in age to me. Of course when we were younger, we definitely did NOT get along very well. It was mostly because of me, I admit. I stole all her clothes, and toys, and everything else you could imagine. She was just so passive that I felt like I could get away with it I guess. But now I look back and I feel bad. But i'm glad she's forgiven me. In return, she kept most of my clothes when I went off to college so I guess we're even. =) I just don't know how I could've gone through my youth years not having her there. When she came into Young Women's, it was a blast having her there. And when she came into High School as a Freshman, I was a Senior that year, but at least we got to spend one year of school together besides Elementary which we both don't remember at all. Haha. But it was so much fun knowing that I had a sister that could understand what I was going through cuz she would go through it the next year or 2 anyways. So i just can't explain how much I love her, even through all the ups and downs. =)
My Mommy:
She probably wouldn't want me posting her age since now she is at that number where you just don't mention your age anymore. =) But let's just say she is exactly 20 years older than me. And I am 20. Hehehe. To be honest mother, it's not that bad! Anyways, I have so much to say about my Mom. If i wrote it on here it would be at least 10 pages long or more! So i just want to say thank you for everything you've done for me. You always are there to talk to me when I need you. And i know sometimes it's annoying when you're daughter calls you so much just "to talk". lol But being able to know I can go to my Mom for anything really helps. So thank you! And I don't have to wish that I'll be just like you cuz I know I already am like you. Believe me, Ben tells me all the time how much I remind him of my mother. It's quite funny actually and we won't name the details. Cuz for any of you who know my mother, you can probably see what traits I got from her. Haha. Anyways, I just love her so much and I'm so grateful for the Mom she was and still is to this day.
My Daddy:
My Dad is 4 years older than my Mom, I'm sure ya'll can do the math. =) I just love my Daddy so much. As much as I talk to my Mom, I'm sure I'm a Daddy's Girl too. Ever since I was born, I was clinged onto his back in the little back pack they carried me around in. And let's just say I definitely grew up being a slight tom-boy. Played soccer from age 6 on, wore hats alot, and definitely never played with Barbies. lol So I want to thank my dad for that because then when I got to the age of liking boys, I definitely knew how to at least try to be like them. Haha and my favorite thing was being able to play on a coed soccer team. I felt like I could be even more tough than I was. But overall, of course I turned out being a girly girl, and he still loves me no matter what. We would do so much together, we would go repelling through the caves and then repel straight down a 180 foot drop. Yikes, that was definitely a thriller! We went on 14 mile hikes together. Actually I think we did that 14 mile hike 6 straight years in a row! Then we also of course would go ride rollercoasters which are still my favorite thing to do to this day. One other thing that I was always upset about was when Dad would go on his Scout trips and he would be telling me what they were going to be doing, like hiking, repelling, riding dirt bikes and four wheelers, etc. I was so jealous! That's the kinda thing when you wish you were a boy because then when you would have to go to your young women's activity it would be sewing or knitting or something like that. Haha. But it's all good, in the end I feel so grateful to have a Dad who was able to take me hiking and repelling and dirt bike riding and camping and I can just go on and on. Those experiences I will definitely remember. What's funny is when I was younger my Dad really wanted to go skydiving. I was the one telling him that I was definitely NOT going to do that. It was way too scary for me. Then I had a roommate who went a couple years ago and after she showed us the video and told us about it, I wanted to go so bad. So I called my Dad up and said, "Dad, we're going skydiving." He laughed at me on the phone and said "yeah right sweetie! I'm too old for that now." Pshhh...whatever Pops, you're never too old for anything. =) Sadly we never did go, and now that I will be having a baby to tend for and he's got 4 kids, I understand where he's coming from. Family definitely comes first especially over the "death fall". lol I love my dad so much and I can't thank him enough either for how much I've grown just from the experiences he's shown and taught me. I don't know where I would be with out my daddy.
I just wanted to express my love for my family who I don't get to see very often. I wish we lived closer, but that just makes every visit more memorable. I love each and every one of them, and I'm so glad I chose to be born of goodly parents who raised me and taught me everything I needed to know in order to grow up and have a family of my own. I am so excited to be married to the most wonderful man I know and to have our very first baby girl with him who is coming in 8 1/2 weeks. Starting a family is definitely a scary thing, and as long as we work together and choose the right, the 'family' is a blessing everyone is able to experience. =)
aww this was so sweet brie. :)