We are just about there! Woo Hoo! All that is left to get is some chair rail, and the nursery will then be COMPLETED! yippee!! Oh and we are getting a rocking/glider chair for where the swing is, and the swing will probably be out of the room. I would also really like to put her crib under her name, but if you saw the room, it just doesn't look right. It's hard to explain because of the size of the room. So maybe in the future I will try it when I get bored and want to move things around.

This is the most comfortable rug ever!! 20 bucks at walmart!! great deal huh??

Top drawer organizers from Ikea-10 bucks!

It was so fun to fill her drawers finally!

And her closet! lol Thanks to everyone who got such cute things for her to wear! I am so excited to dress her up! =)

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