Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Soooo fUnNy!

PLEASE, don'T mind the fact that I just look oh so great in these pics....NOT!!! Definitely not one of the days I got ready to take pictures, BUT my baby is just so darn stinkin cute that I just had to put these pics up cuz she just thought it was sooo funny everytime I told her to smile for the camera. haha and these were the faces she gave...I JUST LOVE HER PERSONALITY!

P.S. Can you count how many times I said "just"??? lol You don't realize it until you actually go back a re-read your post. haha oh well...=)

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heck she is so cute!! hahaha oh Brie I 'JUST' love it! :) hahahaha
