Monday, April 4, 2011

9 months today!

I will put up a pic soon. =)

At 9 months you:
1. Crawl, sit, play, crawl, sit play...and so on..
2. Crawl, stand up on something, then get into whatever it is that's at your reaching level..ex: toilet paper, trash cans, drawers, pantry(when mommy leaves it open on accident), plants, ETC!!! the list never ends! Did I mention my PURSE??
3. Want to be a part of EVERYTHING we do.
4. Cry when mama leaves you...which I LOVE, but not when mama needs a break. =)
5. If I point to a pic that has mama and dadda and brynnlee in it, you will point to who's ever name I say. You're so smart!
6. Clap when you get excited about something.
7. Wave to people not only just to wave but because you think its cool how your hand opens and closes.
8. Say Mama really good, and you can say dadda, but still trying to work on it.
9. Love helping mommy with dishes.
10. Got your first bruise on your head the other day on a window seal at a store. You stood up on the chair, then tried reaching over to hold on to the window so you could walk over to it and instead you lost your balance and fell. =( It was so sad! You cried so hard that it looked like you popped a blood vessel on your forehead and gave yourself a big indent from where you landed! I wanted to cry! But luckily you are ok and 5 mins after you stopped crying you went right back to playing! You're such a tough little girl! And that popped blood vessel is now a big bruise on your forehead...and thankfully is healing pretty quick.

It's so fun to watch you grow!!! I just can't believe that in 3 months, you'll be ONE! AHH! We love you Brynn-Brynn!!

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